Ignore this email, else it will Hack into your Bank Account
For all of those who have Income Tax return and have received an e-mail stating that there has been an error in calculating your tax and a refund has to be issued, please ignore it. Sr. cyber expert Ankur Chandrakant told to nationone.tv.

Chandrakant said that it is circulated by hackers. Once you click on the link it will direct you to a net banking login page and once you login into it, your bank account will be hacked. Please ignore such emails. Income tax department will send an intimation about refunds/ payable through a proper notice. If you check the sender’s address it would appear as donotreply@incometaxindiafilling.gov.in & not donotreply@incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in. Note the *e* is missing from *efiling* & *filing* is spelt as *filling*. Please widely circulate this message so that nobody falls pray to hackers.